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C1000-088 Exams Dumps     Try & Download

IBM C1000-088 Certified

IBM C1000-088: IBM Spectrum Storage Solution Architect V2

- IBM C1000-088 Practice Exam: IBM Spectrum Storage Solution Architect V2
- Number of Questions: 0
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C1000-088 Practice Tests - Where is the test center?

[...] The IBM C1000-088 Practice Tests is delivered by Pearson VUE, the official test delivery partner of IBM. You can choose to take the exam online or at a test center near you.

  • If you opt for online proctoring, you can take the exam from your home or office with a reliable internet connection and a webcam. You will need to follow the online proctoring guidelines and requirements to ensure a ... IBM C1000-088 dumps

C1000-088 Practice Tests - What is the format of the IBM C1000-088?

[...] The IBM C1000-088 Practice Tests is a test you take on a computer. It checks if you know how to design, plan, and use IBM Spectrum Storage solutions for different situations. The exam consists of the following features:

  • Format: single choice or multiple choice question

  • Number of question: 60

  • Exam duration : 90 minutes

  • Passing score: 65%

  • Language: English

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