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Study Tips for Spring Certification

Just how to Prepare for the Spring Certification

The advantages of spring framework make it one of the top Java frameworks in the community. As an opensource framework, spring has provided opportunities for building applications on the Java Enterprise Edition platform. Introduced first in October 2002, spring framework got a recent stable release in the form of Spring v5.0. Many companies have shown interest in candidates with spring professional certification. Why? Spring framework is everywhere in Java, and developers could gain a lot of promising employment opportunities. Also, you get the advantage of industry recognition and a better salary. So, if you are still thinking about getting the right path to a better career, then here is your solution! Start focusing on Spring certification preparation and get certified as a Spring developer professional. However, the guidance and reliable information about the preparation journey for the spring professional v5.0 exam is quite limited. The following discussion would attempt to present a detailed guide for your spring developer certification preparation. The prominent highlights in the discussion would be basic information about the examination and examination objectives. The discussion would also present legible insights into the topics covered in different domains covered in the exam. Finally, the discussion would present worth of Spring Dumps for spring professional certification. It’s time, let’s start!

What is Spring Core Professional v5.0 Certification Exam

The exam would consist of 50 questions. The format of the exam will be proctored, and candidates will get multiple-choice questions only. The exam launched in May 2019, has the code EDU-1202. The duration of the exam would be around 90 minutes, i.e., one and a half-hour. The passing score for the exam is 76%. Therefore, you have to answer at least 38 questions correctly to qualify the examination. You can use the table presented below for an organized idea about the exam information for spring professional certification.

For an effective preparation for the spring professional certification exam, you need to review the spring professional certification study guide. The study guide serves as a path on which candidates can recognize the essential concepts. Furthermore, candidates could use it as an instrument for scheduling their preparations for the spring professional examination. Here, we have attempted to outline the different Spring Dumps topics included in each domain of the spring professional exam.


The first domain in the spring professional certification exam deals with containers, dependency, and IOC. This domain accounts for almost 20% of the questions in the spring professional exam. Candidates have to learn about dependency injection and the use of the interface in Java. Other important topics covering Spring Dumps for Spring Professional Certification include application context and the creation of a new instance of the application context. Candidates should also cover dependency injection with the use of Java configurations and annotations. You will also learn about property source, Bean Factory Post Processor, and definition of static @bean method. The importance of the Bean Post Processor and Bean Factory Post Processor is also evident in this domain. Candidates will find questions on initialization method and its declaration on Spring Bean as well as declaring a destroy method. Component scanning is also a crucial addition in this domain of spring professional certification exam. Candidates should also learn about proxy objects and the use of @Bean and Autowired annotations. The other important topics in this domain refer to the configuration of profiles and possible use cases for the same. Candidates should also cover injection of scalar or literal values into spring beans and uses of @Value annotation. Furthermore, candidates should also identify the difference in the use of $ and # in expressions having @Value. This domain also covers Spring Expression Language, Environment abstraction, and referencing using Spring Expression Language.

Aspect-oriented Programming (AOP)

The second domain in the spring professional certification exam deals with Aspect-oriented programming. Candidates will find around 8% of questions from this domain. Some of the essential topics covered in this domain refer to the concept of AOP and the problems it solves. You will also learn about cross-cutting concerns, weaving, pointcut, advice, aspect, and joinpoint in AOP. Another important topic is the process for enabling detecting of @Aspect annotation. Other important topics which our Spring Dumps cover refer to the use of JoinPoint argument and the Proceeding JoinPoint. AOP allows for the creation of relationships between different classes. These relationships are arbitrary, but can be used to encapsulate the housekeeping code needed to create compatibility between two classes. In the messaging example, this class can include all messaging information needed for updating the state of the system. Given this encapsulation, a class such as the headphone in the ongoing example can be used not only in the computer example, but also in other systems, such as a personal music player, an interface to an airplane sound system, or any other appropriate type of system. The relationship class encompasses an aspect of the class; thus, context can be provided through the use of aspects. Object-oriented programming (OOP) has been presented as a technology that can fundamentally aid software engineering, because the underlying object model provides a better fit with real domain problems. But we have found many programming problems where OOP techniques are not sufficient to clearly capture all the important design decisions the program must implement. Instead, it seems that there are some programming problems that fit neither the OOP approach nor the procedural approach it replaces. This paper reports on our work developing programming techniques that make it possible to clearly express those programs that OOP (and POP) fail to support. We present an analysis of why some design decisions have been so difficult to cleanly capture in actual code. We call the issues these decisions address aspects, and show that the reason they have been hard to capture is that they cross-cut the system’s basic functionality. We present the basis for a new programming technique, called aspect-oriented programming (AOP), that makes it possible to clearly express programs involving such aspects, including appropriate isolation, composition and reuse of the aspect code. We think of the current state of AOP research as analogous to that of OOP 20 years ago. The basic concepts are beginning to take form, and an expanding group of researchers are using them in their work [1, 4, 13, 28]. Furthermore, while AOP qua AOP is a new idea, there are existing systems that have AOPlike properties. The contribution of this paper is an analysis of the problems AOP is intended to solve, as well as an initial set of terms and concepts that support explicit AOP-based system design. The paper presents AOP in an example-driven way— the generalizations and definitions are all derived from examples, rather than presented in advance. Section 3 uses a medium-scale example to present the aspect-tangling problem AOP solves; the section culminates with a definition of the term aspect. Section 4 presents several more small examples of aspects. Sections 5 and 6 each provide an example of a complete AOP system. The remaining sections present future work, related work and conclusions.

JDBC and Transactions

JDBC occupies around 4% of questions while Transactions account for almost 8% of questions in the spring professional exam. However, both domains are encapsulated in this study guide under the scope of data management. The concepts include the difference between checked and unchecked operations, the configuration of Data Source in spring, template design pattern, and the JDBC template. Our Spring Dumps cover the following domains that a Candidate have to learn for JDBC and Transactions:

  • Callback, execution of plain SQL statement with JDBC template, and support for generic queries.
  • Domain of transactions deals with basic concepts of transactions and the difference between local and global transaction.
  • Defining a transaction in spring, transaction isolation level, and participation of JDBC template.
  • Transaction propagation, declarative transaction management, default rollback policies, and unit of work.

Model-View-Controller (MVC)

Candidates will find around 8% of questions from this domain in the spring professional certification exam. The domain covers the basic explanation of MVC and the underlying idea for MVC. The domain also focuses on web application context and extra scopes it offers. Candidates will also cover the users of @Controller annotation and mapping of the incoming request to a controller and a method. Candidates will also learn about the parameter types and valid return types for a controller method.


This domain is highly crucial in the spring professional certification study guide. You can get around three questions related to security in the spring professional exam. Candidates have to learn concepts such as authentication and authorization, a delegation of filter proxy, security context, and security filter chain. Furthermore, you will also deal with the use of method security and object types secured at the method level.

Representational State Transfer (REST)

This domain in spring professional exam also accounts for three questions in the exam. Candidates have to learn concepts such as resource, CRUD, scalability, and interoperability of REST and security of REST. Furthermore, you have to cover the HTTPS methods used in REST and difference between @Controller and @RestController. Also, candidates have to understand @ResponseStatus, @ResponseBody, and @RequestBody.

JPA Spring Data

Candidates will find two questions for sure from this domain in the spring professional certification exam. The topics in this domain include repository interface, the definition of repository interface and naming convention for finder methods. You will also learn about the use of @Query and implementation of Spring Data repositories at runtime.


You can easily expect two questions from this domain in the spring professional exam. The essential topics include use of spring in the unit test, tests that use Spring and the use of mock frameworks. You will also cover the creation of shared application context in a JUnit integration test.

Spring Boot Intro

Spring Dumps help candidate to focus on this domain as it will help in solving Spring Boot Intro questions in the exam easily. You will learn about Spring Boot and its advantages along with other concepts such as spring boot starter POM. The other concepts include the definition of specific property files and accessing properties defined in property files. You will also cover the configuration of default schema and initial data.

Spring Boot Autoconfig

This domain will also account for four questions in the spring professional exam. You will cover topics such as component scanning in spring boot and identification of configuration needs. Most important of all, you should also learn about customizing spring auto-configuration.

Spring Boot Actuator

Another crucial domain in the spring professional exam with 8% weight, i.e., four questions in the exam. Candidates will have to explore topics such as value provided by spring boot actuator and protocols for accessing actuator endpoints. The other concepts include metrics, health indicator, and reasons for a third-party external monitoring system.

Spring Boot Testing

Candidates will find almost four questions from this domain in the spring professional certification exam. You need to prepare on topics such as the use of @SpringBootTest annotation and its auto-configuration capabilities. The other crucial topics in the Spring Dumps for Spring Boot Testing domain include dependencies introduced by spring-boot-starter-test to the classpath. Candidates will also have to learn about the difference between @Mock and @MockBean and the use of @WebMvcTest and @DataJpaTest.

Spring Professional Certification Exam Topics:

  • Container
  • AOP
  • JDBC
  • Transactions
  • MVC
  • Security
  • REST
  • JPA Spring Data
  • Testing
  • Boot Intro
  • Boot Autoconfig
  • Boot Actuator
  • Boot Testing

Exam Requirements:

  • There is no Eligibility Criteria


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Objectives of Spring Professional Certification:

Our Spring Dumps cover the following objectives of Spring Professional Certification.

  • Spring Container
  • Testing with Spring
  • AOP
  • Data Access using Spring
  • Transactions
  • Spring MVC
  • Spring Security
  • Microservices
  • REST
  • Spring Cloud

Also Read: Spring Professional Preparation Guide

How to prepare for Spring Professional Certification Exam

One of the most vital aspects to ensure the success of the Certification exams directly concerns the Spring Dumps. They helps candidates build confidence for the real exam and promises growth in time management skills. In addition, candidates can also discover their strong and weak areas in the exam topics. Basically, Practice tests can help potential candidates overcome their worry of facing complex questions on the test.

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