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Microsoft 70-463: MCSA Implementing a Data Warehouse with Microsoft SQL Server 2012/2014

- Microsoft 70-463 Practice Exam: MCSA Implementing a Data Warehouse with Microsoft SQL Server 2012/2014
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70-463 Practice Tests - Our 70-463 dumps will include those topics:


  • Design and implement a data warehouse (10-15%)
  • Extract and transform data (20-25%)
  • Load data (25-30%)
  • Configure and deploy SSIS solutions (20-25%)
  • Build data quality solutions (15-20%)

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70-463 Practice Tests - High level topics covered by our practice test

[...] This Web Simulator is for Microsoft DBA which are database professionals who perform Data Wherehouse study, maintenance, and configuration and performance tuning tasks when defining Data Wherehouse dimensions and fact tables. Students responsibilities include setting up Data Wherehouse systems, making sure those systems operate efficiently and fast, and regularly manage and Implement SSIS package... Microsoft 70-463 dumps